About me
How do people work? Why do we act and react, the way we do? What characterizes us and why are we the personalities, we are? How can we change our life and pave new ways? These questions have always fascinated me and shaped my career.
Humans as a unity of body, spirit and soul are a complex system, which is influenced by a variety of internal and external impulses. My diverse educations in the fields of Feldenkrais, Gentle Moving, Child Space, Safe Prevention, Sensoric Integration, Eye Movement Integration and Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy offer me a lot of know-how for the work with people, the dealing with experiences and the initiating of change.
Who finds him- or herself, is happy – I am convinced, that this is true. To accompany people on the way to find themselves as a psychotherapist in education under supervision satisfies me again and again anew. I am a psychotherapist in Salzburg and Gedersdorf.